Válasszon 1441 gyűjtőhelyünk közül

Az idén eddig
97649.87 kg
elemet gyűjtöttünk.

About us

RE'LEM was founded by the three biggest battery producers of the Hungarian market: Duracell (now P&G), Energizer and VARTA in the spring of 2005. The initial intention of the founders has been fulfilling the liabilities of the coming EC directive, whatever those may be.

The 'grand opening' of our first collection point had taken place 21st November 2005. From that day on we were building up our collection system in a very dynamic pace. Hungary started battery collection more than one decade later in comparison with the European pioneers like Switzerland or Austria. We have known from the beginning that the only chance to reduce our disadvantage and to make it possible to achieve European targets requires a very extensive collection system.

Now, in 2016 we operate more than 32,800 collection points and we have fulfilled collection obligation in each year.

In 2016 we reached a collection rate above 45%.

Producers can join to our battery compliance scheme to get their environmental and its collateral liabilities (collection, recycling, reporting, public information campaigns)  fulfilled.

We cooperate with more than 200 registered producers at the moment.

If you have any questions regarding to relevant Hungarian law or in connection to our operation or fees please feel free to contact us.